How to Invest in Real Estate: REITs and Real Estate Crowdfunding

How to Invest in Real Estate: REITs and Real Estate Crowdfunding

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Publish Date:
6 September, 2022
Real Estate Investments
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There’s a market that is estimated to be three times the size of the U.S. Stock Market, and chances are you have some first hand experience in it.

Spoiler: it’s real estate.

Now, when most people think “real estate investing” they tend to think about buying a home for themselves, or getting a property that can they rent out to make extra money. The reality is that these styles -- while totally valid -- make up a tiny portion of overall real estate investing activity.

Thanks to some recent developments, a whole new category of real estate is now available to many individuals, and it gives them access to deals that have previously been off-limits. Deals that have the potential to generate internal rates of return of over 20%!

Because this market is new, it isn’t very well understood. That's why our analysts are on YouTube to talk about things like buying REITs, real estate crowdfunding, and how you can start investing in real estate.

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